Majestic Paradox
'82 @ 34
Gun barrel blue fading cover
marred vertical hash mark
black versus white
real worth defined
when reading is sufficient
but defined to all
it will not work
It works and all will not
but I cannot live without you
are part of all
fuck the rest
38 ain’t a chest size but a bore
for a backdoor newcomer
to the southern slow
northern flash is but lighting
to short circuit intellect
you must be plumbed felt
left and cried with
Here we must be for
I could not do it
on my own I know
I need help here
we are far into psychosis
where another person
still loving but the serenity
It exists never looked for
well in the midst smile
and laugh any other way
dies quickly
Goodnight sylph
goodbye all you one
and new wave beats
belly juice to flowing
one time good one fades
to shadow of self
and creeping real
finds definition in dollars
98 take me break me loose
from making it shaking free
soaped reality prevails
and we will fail the rest
that went before breathing
for the moment and future
be damned to extinction
without our help even
it tells us to end